About the TKLfrat Forums and membership
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:39 am
Signing up as a member gives you access to our active message boards - a place for the posting of male tickling-based discussion, fiction, anecdotes, advice, links to streaming media, off-topic fun, private messaging and personals ads.
Once logged in as a member, you will find over 44,000 posts across more than 6000 discussion threads. We can also, upon your request, set you up with access to our friendly and troll-free chatroom.
Before you sign up, be sure to read through the following points carefully. In setting up a forum identity at TKLfrat you are in effect joining a membership-based Association. There is no cost of any kind to join, but there are objectives and values of the Association that people must share in order to be a member:
* A member of TKLfrat must be comfortable and accepting of the fact that they have an interest and/or fetish for tickling between males. If you haven't reached that point, then you're probably not ready to join here.
* Members of TKLfrat share a certain set of agreed principles involving absolute acceptance of minority sexual or fetish preferences by people, on the proviso that laws of consent are observed.
That means we are welcoming of gays, straights, bi and undecided. But we do not admit anyone who would deem the practicing of particular sexualities on that list as being acts against nature, or less worthy than other "mainstream" sexual orientations.
* Members of TKLfrat understand that everyone has a stake in helping make the forums and chatroom reflect an acceptance of diversity as described above. This means we do not take liberties with trying to indulge others in our fantasies, unless we have first made the effort to discover what each person has in common. That boils down to - there is no universal right of flirtation or making propositions, so proceed with a level head.
Just one important technical tip - if possible, register using an email address that you remember to check for incoming mail. You'll need it to complete registration and we also use them to check whether accounts are terminally dormant and need pruning. Your spam filters might need a quick check over to ensure messages from TKLfrat admin reach your inbox also.
With that out of the way, we hope to see you joining us in the forums some time soon.
Once logged in as a member, you will find over 44,000 posts across more than 6000 discussion threads. We can also, upon your request, set you up with access to our friendly and troll-free chatroom.
Before you sign up, be sure to read through the following points carefully. In setting up a forum identity at TKLfrat you are in effect joining a membership-based Association. There is no cost of any kind to join, but there are objectives and values of the Association that people must share in order to be a member:
* A member of TKLfrat must be comfortable and accepting of the fact that they have an interest and/or fetish for tickling between males. If you haven't reached that point, then you're probably not ready to join here.
* Members of TKLfrat share a certain set of agreed principles involving absolute acceptance of minority sexual or fetish preferences by people, on the proviso that laws of consent are observed.
That means we are welcoming of gays, straights, bi and undecided. But we do not admit anyone who would deem the practicing of particular sexualities on that list as being acts against nature, or less worthy than other "mainstream" sexual orientations.
* Members of TKLfrat understand that everyone has a stake in helping make the forums and chatroom reflect an acceptance of diversity as described above. This means we do not take liberties with trying to indulge others in our fantasies, unless we have first made the effort to discover what each person has in common. That boils down to - there is no universal right of flirtation or making propositions, so proceed with a level head.
Just one important technical tip - if possible, register using an email address that you remember to check for incoming mail. You'll need it to complete registration and we also use them to check whether accounts are terminally dormant and need pruning. Your spam filters might need a quick check over to ensure messages from TKLfrat admin reach your inbox also.
With that out of the way, we hope to see you joining us in the forums some time soon.